Walking to school

On my first day I took a lift to school, but the second day I was feeling more adventurous and decided to walk it. “Left, Right and then Right”, were the directions given to me by Oroon as I left the flat…. I mean how hard can it be. However, in India there are no street signs, on maps they are mixed between the old english names or the Indian names, and streets and alleyways are interchangeable. I set off and it wasn’t long before I was lost.

First Right

First left

I did of course stop for directions but this is often more trouble than its worth, often creating misunderstanding in communication or just being given another long list of right, right, left. While wondering around I did find that most of the street dogs were particularly aggressive and was chased several times… I thought it better to run than get bitten! But of all the things to find in Kolkata, I came across an Ice Skating rink!

Calcutta Ice Skating Rink

Calcutta Ice Skating Rink


Kolkata Fashion Exhibition

I thought this can’t be for real, so had to have a closer look. Turned out there had long since been any Ice and it was now used as exhibition centre. Currently showing a fashion exhibition, something I have been learning all about while on my intern at Qubit.

As you walk along the streets you see how much takes place on just the pavement. People live an work within just a few metres of the busy road, they build small shelters out of tarpaulin and huddle round a stove selling snacks, Chai tea, or tobacco, fixing wheels and fitting tyres. The life on the pavement is incredible to look at, I even went past a barbers shop, although its fascinating to see it is also tough to imagine the hard life these people live on the side of the road.

Street Barber shop

Street Barber shop

When I did eventually make it to school (I set off at 9am and arrived just before lunch). The boys were just getting washed up…well it looked more like a water fight which looked good fun.

In the afternoon I got myself accustomed with the school gym and shifted some tin for old times sake. The weights room is half underground without much ventilation so you soon get a monster sweat on. It has some cool homage to the Harlequins (who support Future Hope) with their colours round the wall.


School Gym

I checked out for the day and walked home via the Birla Mandir (Hindu temple), which when flood lit looks pretty spectacular. [The Stats] Apparently it was only built in 1970 taking 26 years to finish and stands at 160 ft high, either way I was impressed. Tonight a mini cyclone is due to hit and tomorrow we play Calcutta Cup rugby 7s.

IMG_7535 (1)

Birla Mandir

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